Developing Business Central Extensions (part 1) – Prerequisites

Update 2021/2/10: Microsoft stopped creating images for Docker in the summer of 2020. We now publish artifacts, which can be used to spin up containers and BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post reflects the old way of using NAV/BC on Docker and references NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

A professional development environment

When developing customizations for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, we have been used to have object modifications and source code stored in the database. A lot of partners have setup pools of databases with all their customer solutions. A lot of partners have developed mechanisms to use source code management by exporting the objects as text and using delta and merge tools – in general, partners have found a way to work with the complexity of code customizing NAV.

With development changing to extensions v2 in Visual Studio Code we are becoming a professional development environment. Source code is stored in files, matching the requirements of source code management systems very well. Git is an integral part of VS Code and using Azure DevOps or GitHub for source code becomes very easy.

When Developing for Business Central, you need a Business Central sandbox environment from which you can download symbols and where you can publish and run/test your extension.

In this blog series we will use Docker for setting up the Business Central Sandbox environments, either locally or on Azure. You will not be able to use the online Business Central Sandbox Environment for this.


In order to complete the steps in this blog series, you will need a few things.

Get an Azure Subscription

The Azure subscription will be used to host a Key Vault for your secrets and any Azure VMs (optional) used for development environments. Open to create a free subscription. We will also use the Azure Subscription to host a build agent when setting up continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).

Get an Azure DevOps Account

The Azure DevOps account and organization is where you will create your projects and store your source code. Open to create a free account. You will be able to create public or private projects in Azure DevOps.

Setup a Windows Development computer

Even though you can run VS Code on MAC and you can host the Business Central Sandbox Environment on Azure – I will still require a Windows Development computer for this blog series. I will be running some PowerShell scripts, which I do not think will work on Mac and even though you might be able to run these on an Az Cli prompt on Azure, I have not gone through and tested this, nor do I intend to do so.

The Windows Computer can be Windows 10 or Windows Server – both should work.

Install Docker (optional)

If you want to run your Business Central sandbox environment locally, you need Docker.

If you do not install Docker, you will need to setup your sandbox environment elsewhere. This walkthrough can setup the sandbox environment locally or in an Azure VM. To install Docker, navigate to to download and install Docker.

Remember to select to use Windows Containers instead of Linux Containers.

Install AzureRM PowerShell Module

On your Windows Development machine, open PowerShell ISE and run
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
Install-Module -Name “AzureRM” -Force
If you get a question about updating NuGet, you will need to answer Yes.
The reason for changing the execution policy is, that it is a requirement for a number of the AzureRM cmdlets.

Install Visual Studio Code

Developing extensions for Business Central is done in Visual Studio Code. Navigate to to download and install Visual Studio code.

After installing VS Code, Start VS Code open the extensions marketplace and install the extensions you need. The following VS Code Extensions are used in this blog series:

  • AL Language from Microsoft
  • PowerShell from Microsoft
  • GitLens from Eric Amodio
  • Insert GUID from Heath Stewart
  • Docker Explorer from Jun Han

Install and configure Git

Git is the source code management tool used by Visual Studio Code to connect to your Azure DevOps repository. Navigate to and click the download link to download and install Git.

Select Visual Studio Code as Git’s default editor during installation Wizard.

Configure your user name and email in git by starting a command prompt and type:

git config --global ""
git config --global ""

Note, in order to make authentication work against my Azure DevOps repository, I had to update my credential manager with the latest version from and run

git config --global credential.helper manager

in a command prompt afterwards.

Create an Azure Key Vault with content

We will need an Azure Key Vault for storing passwords, license file URLs, insider repository credentials and other things. You might think this is overkill, but if you think about it, then any secret stored directly in Source Code or settings files is really not a secret anymore.

Using Key Vaults allows me to share scripts without the risk of suddenly exposing certificates, license files or passwords.

Having Installed the other prerequisites, the easiest way to create your Azure Key Vault is to use PowerShell.

Open PowerShell ISE and run

Add-AzureRmAccount -Environment 'AzureCloud'
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionID ''

where is the subscription id of your Azure Subscription. This will ask you to login to your Azure Subscription.

After this, you can create a Resource Group and an Azure Key Vault using:

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "" -Location ""
New-AzureRmKeyVault -Name "" -ResourceGroupName "" -Location "" -Sku Standard

where you need to replace , and with the values of your choice.

Now, you need to set Username and Password secrets and you will need to create empty secrets for LicenseFile, CodeSignPfxFile and CodeSignPfxPassword:

$Username = "admin"
$Password = ""
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name Username            -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Username -AsPlainText -Force)
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name Password            -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force)
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name LicenseFile         -SecretValue (new-object System.Security.SecureString)
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name CodeSignPfxFile     -SecretValue (new-object System.Security.SecureString)
Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name CodeSignPfxPassword -SecretValue (new-object System.Security.SecureString)

where should be replaced by the password you want to use for your containers. You can also modify the username if needed.

You can retrieve these values again using:

$Username = (Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name Username).SecretValueText
$Password = (Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "" -Name Password).SecretValue

Where $Username will be of type string and $Password will be of type SecureString.

If you need to use a specific license file, you will need to set the LicenseFile secret to a secure URL, from which your license file can be downloaded.

See for how to create a secure URL to a file.

If you need to use a code signing certificate, you will need to set the CodeSignPfxFile secret to a secure URL, from which your code signing certificate can be downloaded and CodeSignPfxPassword secret should be the Pfx Password for this certificate.

What’s next

Now we are done setting up our accounts, subscriptions and our Development Computer.

In the next Blog Post we will copy a template repository, configure this to your own setup, build and run the app.


Freddy Kristiansen
Technical Evangelist

11 thoughts on “Developing Business Central Extensions (part 1) – Prerequisites

  1. Hi Freddy!

    Great blog series… I’ve been thinking, for example, if we set *.yml file with “Hosted Windows 2019 with VS2019” agent pool or so, is it doable to speed up CI process in accordance with “pipeline caching” described in this link:

    So, for example, we don’t have to wait each time BC image to be downloaded, etc. Instead, just a new container can be created and process will continue with other defined tasks.

    If this would be doable, it would be much appreciated if your “HelloWorld” template will be updated with “pipeline caching” option.

    Many thanks in advance for considering this comment.


  2. Hi Freddy,

    Thanks for your time and efforts to create this blog, it’s a great resource!.

    I am using Dynamics 365 BC v16, and I need to create an Extension using a custom API page that will be used for Sales Invoices. Where can I download the AL code for the standard Sales Invoice API Page?

    I can’t seem to find this documented anywhere any assistance you can provide would be appreciated.

    I have run your NavContainer Helper scripts and am running a Docker with Windows Container.

    Thanks in advance



    • If you have a licensefile, you can start the container with -includeAL to get the AL source code extracted.
      You can also find the source code for the base app in a .zip file inside the container under c:\applications


      • Hi Freddy,
        Thanks for the speedy reply.

        At present I don’t have a license file, can I still get the source code int eh zip file under c:\applications?




    • Hi Freddy,

      Thanks for your help I was able to setup the BC container again and then was able to copy the source from C:\Applications without too many problems 🙂

      I now have the source but for some reason Visual Studio Code is giving me the following error

      The name ‘RegisterFieldSet’ does not exist in the current contextAL(AL0118)

      it is referring to the following code.
      trigger OnValidate()

      If you have any suggestions please feel free to add but otherwise thanks so much for your support.


      • Thanks for your help Freddy I was able to deploy a custom Sales Invoice API Page without too much difficulty and it is working well.
        However I haven’t been able to find an API Page to get the AL source for the SalesInvoiceLines.

        The only AL I can find in the BC Source zip file is which is for a ListPart.

        Am I missing something here, does the API not have a page for inserting the Sales Invoice Lines and somehow uses a ListPart?

        Thanks for your assistance, I appreciate the time you have taken to answer my questions.


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