July updates are out – they are the last on-premises docker images

Update 2021/2/10: BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post still reference NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

Business Central and NAV July 2020 on-premises updates was published over the weekend and this is going to be the last on-premises version of Business Central and NAV released as a docker image. The existing docker images will stay on mcr.microsoft.com for some time still, but no new on premises images will be added.

If this is news to you, you should read https://freddysblog.com/2020/06/25/changing-the-way-you-run-business-central-in-docker/ and https://freddysblog.com/2020/06/25/working-with-artifacts/ (+ some more blog posts on how to find out what the changes are)

July on-premises updates images and artifacts

Below you will see a table of the july update artifacts (how to get the url) and what the corresponding image names are.

NAV 2016 CU57
artifactsGet-NavArtifactUrl -nav 2016 -cu cu57 -country w1
NAV 2017 CU44
artifactsGet-NavArtifactUrl -nav 2017 -cu cu44 -country w1
NAV 2018 CU31
artifactsGet-NavArtifactUrl -nav 2018 -cu cu31 -country w1
Business Central 14.15
artifactsGet-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 14.15 -country w1
Business Central 15.8
artifactsGet-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 15.8 -country w1
Business Central 16.3
artifactsGet-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 16.3 -country w1

August 2020 on-premises updates will be artifacts only

As already mentioned, August updates will be artifacts only, and looking at the table above, you can easily imagine how you will be able to retrieve the url for the artifacts when it ships.


Freddy Kristiansen
Technical Evangelist

21 thoughts on “July updates are out – they are the last on-premises docker images

  1. Hi Freddy, I may have missed it in a post, but is there a way to include the C/Side client with a v14 image? It makes upgrades a little bit simpler if so. Thank you!


  2. Hi Freddy,
    Thank you very much for providing the NavContainerHelper cmdlets. They make life so much easier. We provide BC Containers a bit different to our Developers, so the initial creation of the Container does not happen with the NavContainerHelper cmdlets. But subsequent tasks are done with your cmdlets. The issue is, when the Containers are not created with your cmdlets, the c:\programdata\navcontainerhelper\extensions\ directory is missing. We are currently creating it by hand when it is needed instead, so we can use your cmdlets. Do you think it would be possible to add a switch to the cmdlets which rely upon the existence of the directory so they don’t cancel the execution, but instead create the directory?



    • The entire idea with all functions in containerhelper is that these folders are shared with the host. My recommendation would be to add a –volume parameter to your docker run and share the folders like containerhelper.


  3. Hello, Freddy.

    Running the assisted setup wizard to create a new company in Business Central triggers the generic “Something went wrong.” error, regardless of the chosen data set option. This occurs for BC 16.3 and BC 16.2 sandbox containers created using the new artifact method. BC16 containers based on the Docker images do not generate this error. Do you have any idea on what might be missing?

    Thanks in advance!


  4. Hi Freddy,
    Previously the AL source code for BC was downloaded with the NavContainerHelper (using the _includeAL option) but with the new artifacts it does not seem to download it automatically.
    How would I go about getting my hands on the latest AL source?


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