Major improvement when invoking scripts in Containers…

I recently learned that some partners have had had issues when running build pipelines on Azure DevOps with multiple DevOps agents on the same host using Containers with process isolation. 1-2 years ago, we did a number of fixes to support multiple agents on the same host, and I thought that had fixed things, but apparently this was not true.

Hopefully the fixes, which are going into BcContainerHelper today will fix this once and for good.

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Telemetry in BcContainerHelper 3.0.0

BcContainerHelper 3.0.0 just released and as something new, you will see this message when importing the module:

BcContainerHelper emits usage statistics telemetry to Microsoft

What does that mean? Can you avoid that? Who can access the emitted telemetry data? How? Can you use telemetry for troubleshooting? Can you use telemetry for other things?

This blog post will try to answer these questions.

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Trojan Warning when creating Containers…

UPDATE: with defender update 1.353.1128.0 or later, this false positive is no longer.

With the latest update to Windows 11 and defender, my computer is telling me that I have a Trojan Virus every time I create a container.

Well, I don’t – it is a false positive and there is probably no good workaround possible.

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An update to the ARM templates

It’s been a while since I last blogged about the ARM templates. Mostly because they just live a life of their own and just works. An average of 20 times a day, some partner somewhere in the work is using to create an Azure VM with Business Central running in a container (or one of the other ARM templates) directly from a browser. On top of this are all the partners who are automating the process of creating Azure VMs with a PowerShell script. A few things are changing, but functionality stays the same.

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Restoring your online Business Central database locally

1½ years ago I wrote a blog post called Mounting a database from my online environment using SQL Server on the host. This blog post explains exactly the same thing, just end 2 end and much easier to understand (I hope), using artifacts and some new functions in BcContainerHelper.

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Running Business Central in Docker using SQL on the host

This is not my first blog post about how to use SQL Server on the host, but it is definitely the one describing the easiest way to do it. With the latest version of BcContainerHelper you can (with one Run-BcContainer command) create a container which uses SQL Server on the host as database engine for the container.

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Removing all specific NAV and Business Central Docker Images

On October 27th 2017, I posted the first announcement which introduced NAV on Docker. For approx. 3 years we published Docker images first to Docker Hub and later to Microsoft Container Registry for both Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. Many 1000 images was pushed to the container registries until we during the summer of 2020 changed strategy to use artifacts together with the generic image.

The various versions of specific images on different container OS’ amounts to more than 100Tb of docker images and now is the time to cleanup…

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Multitenant sandbox containers changes behavior…

With the change to BcContainerHelper, sandbox containers became multitenant by default. This means that you have to remember the ?tenant=default in the WebClient and the “tenant” : “default” in launch.json.

The reason for this change was, that sandbox containers needs to feel and act like online tenants and online tenant are… – tenants. I did however miss out on one thing, which I was made aware of over the weekend.

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