Removing all specific NAV and Business Central Docker Images

On October 27th 2017, I posted the first announcement which introduced NAV on Docker. For approx. 3 years we published Docker images first to Docker Hub and later to Microsoft Container Registry for both Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019. Many 1000 images was pushed to the container registries until we during the summer of 2020 changed strategy to use artifacts together with the generic image.

The various versions of specific images on different container OS’ amounts to more than 100Tb of docker images and now is the time to cleanup…

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Working with artifacts

Update 2021/2/10: BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post still reference NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

As a follow up to this blog post (make sure you have read this first), this blog post will share some details about working with artifacts. How do you find them, what do they contain and what happens when you try to use them. It is primarily a list of the new functionality in NavContainerHelper for working with artifacts.

I will also provide a blog post later, which describes how to work with artifacts when using docker run (raw docker commands)

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