20 years…

On May 1st, 2002, I walked through the doors of Navision in the Offices in Vedbæk for the first time. A few days earlier rumors had started that Microsoft was going to acquire Navision, but things weren’t settled yet.

The Acquisition was formally announced on May 7th and was finalized on July 11, 2002, so my 20-year anniversary as a Microsoft employee is on July 11th, but for me, May 1st will always be the date where I started working with ERP software.

I have worked with a lot of amazing people on a ton of amazing stuff, and I am still as passionate about what I do as I have ever been.

Steve Jobs once said that we’re here to put a dent in the universe. Well, I might not have put a dent in the universe, but I definitely put a dent in the way Business Central developers are working on a daily basis.

While the Microsoft mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more, I can safely say that I have and am empowering developers and partners on the planet to achieve more, trying to do my part…

There are a lot of memorable moments during the last 20 years, but the one that stands out is from Convergence in Munich 2006, where Bill Gates talked about Business Solutions and had a demo of a Shop Floor control performed on stage by our GM Darren Laybourn. After the keynote, the leader of Business Solutions, Satya Nadella, called Bill over to meet and greet. Humbled to have been in the company of these great people who both then and now has really transformed how people work and how people use IT.

Nobody knows what the future brings, but I will do my utmost to make the most out of it…

Thanks for all the fish


Docker and Business Central

Over the last few months, there has been quite a few blog posts and discussions on social media based on blogs posts from Docker, Microsoft and Mirantis indicating new pricing structure. In this blog post I will try to make the options for running Business Central on Docker clear.

The two major products used for running Business Central containers are Docker Desktop and Mirantis Container Runtime (formerly known as Docker Engine – Enterprise). Both products include Docker Engine and adds a number of additional components and features which might be relevant for you. Docker Engine can however also be installed alone and is sufficient for running BcContainerHelper and the Business Central Generic image.

This blog post will NOT just tell you how to install Docker Engine, as that might not be the right option for you. Instead, I will walk through the different options you have and you will have to decide on what is best for you.

Continue reading

Directions EMEA 2019

Update 2021/2/10: Microsoft stopped creating images for Docker in the summer of 2020. We now publish artifacts, which can be used to spin up containers and BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post reflects the old way of using NAV/BC on Docker and references NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

Vienna is the place to be next week for NAV and Business Central professionals. Directions EMEA 2019 start Wednesday and runs through Friday.


This year seven is my lucky number, as I will be appearing in sessions a total of 7 times. If you want to avoid my sessions, then the following sessions are the ones you shouldn’t join… – if you end up joining any of the sessions, I will do my utmost to make sure you don’t waste your time.

Wednesday 14:15 in HALLE1 – MSBK039: Getting Started with Containers

This session is for people who are new to Docker or people who have experienced issues running Docker. I will have some tips and tricks for how you can get started with Containers.

Wednesday 17:30 in HALLB – MSBK041: Getting the Most Out of Containers

This session is for people who have been running Docker for some time, but would like some tips and tricks on what containers can do for them.

Thursday 14:45 in HALLE1 – MSBK026: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with Azure DevOps

Really looking forward to host this session together with Christian Heide Damm, where we will try to paint a picture of how our partners can setup CI/CD to increase developer productivity, product quality and customer happiness.

Thursday 16:00 in L2 – MSTH143: Visual Studio Code and AL Language

In this Town Hall, we will try to answer your burning questions on how to develop apps for Business Central using Visual Studio Code and the AL Language.

Friday 10:45 in N – MSWS106: Setting Up CI/CD on Azure DevOps

If you found the CI/CD session on Thursday exciting, then this workshop will take you through how you can setup CI/CD for your own project.

Friday 13:30 in L2 – MSTH113: Town Hall: Your Solution Roadmap to SaaS

In this Town Hall, we will try to answer your burning questions about the lifecycle of an app. From designing and developing to running and upgrading. Versioning, dependencies, packaging, testing and AppSource submission.

Friday 14:30 in HALLC – MSTH123: Meet the MVPs

In this Town Hall, you will have the opportunity to meet some the the Microsoft MVPs visiting Directions EMEA 2019 and ask them questions on how they see the world. My role is purely hosting and I will try to say as little as possible.


Even though I am really looking forward to this week, I also know that Friday at 15:30 – I will say: Thank God It’s Friday and be on my way to the airport. The week following Directions is autumn vacation in Denmark – looking forward to spend some days with my family.

See you in Vienna!

Freddy Kristiansen
Technical Evangelist

Blogging about Wave 2

Update 2021/2/10: Microsoft stopped creating images for Docker in the summer of 2020. We now publish artifacts, which can be used to spin up containers and BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post reflects the old way of using NAV/BC on Docker and references NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

Update – with the release of the public preview (described in this blog post: https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/dynamics365/it/2019/09/04/business-central-2019-release-wave-2-preview/) the NDA has been lifted.

One month ago, we started making insider builds of wave 2 available on Docker and even though the insider builds are subject to a clear NDA, I still see people blogging about features in wave 2. Continue reading

You are running a container which is xx days old…

Update 2021/2/10: Microsoft stopped creating images for Docker in the summer of 2020. We now publish artifacts, which can be used to spin up containers and BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post reflects the old way of using NAV/BC on Docker and references NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

Recently, when running an instance of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Docker image from the docker hub, you will get a message like:

You are running a container which is 78 days old.
Microsoft recommends that you always run the latest version of our containers.

What does this mean? what happens if you just ignore this? and what can you do about it? Continue reading

NAV and Business Central Docker images moved to Microsoft Container Registry…

Update 2021/2/10: Microsoft stopped creating images for Docker in the summer of 2020. We now publish artifacts, which can be used to spin up containers and BcContainerHelper has replaced NavContainerHelper. This blog post reflects the old way of using NAV/BC on Docker and references NavContainerHelper, which is outdated.

If you are using public Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on Docker, this blog post contains important information. Continue reading